
Winter Wheat LG Jutta

Breeder: Limagrain | Type: B - bread-making
High prolificacy! Best winter-hardiness!
  • remarkable healthiness and very good winter hardiness,
  • high yielding potential,
  • high falling number and sedimentation value,
  • relatively short plants with very good lodging resistance,
  • very good tillering ability, creating a thick stand of long ears – low end of seeding rate needs to be calculated.
Important informations
Time of earingmedium
Plant height [cm]86
TKW [g]38
Lodging resistancevery good
Winter hardiness5,5 – very good
Soil requirementsfor medium and rich soils
Stem base diseases – complexvery good
Powdery mildew – leafvery good
Brown rustvery good
Yellow rustvery good
Tan spot (DTR)very good
Septoria leaf blotchgood
Septoria husk blotchgood
Fusarium head blightvery good
Source: COBORU
Sowing density

Optimal term: 3270 - 300 seeds/m2