
Winter Triticale Gringo

Breeder: DANKO | Type: short-straw
Prolific, healthy and stiff. Good tillering ability, tolerant of a low seeding rate. Beautiful, healthy ears.
  • very good winter hardiness (confirmed in 2016),
  • high and stable yields, both with mid-intensive and intensive cultivation technologies,
  • very strong growth and tillering ability,
  • very good-looking and large grain with a high protein content – excellent animal feed.
Important informations
Time of earingintermediate
Time of maturitymid-late
Plant height [cm]97
TKW [g]52
Lodging resistancegood
Winter hardiness6,0 - very good
Soil requirementsfor medium and rich soils
Snow moldvery good
Stem base diseases – complexvery good
Powdery mildew – leafvery good
Brown rustvery good
Yellow rustvery good
Rhynchosporium (leaf scald)very good
Septoria leaf blotchgood
Septoria husk blotchintermediate
Fusarium head blightvery good
Source: DANKO
Sowing density

Optimal term: 300 - 350 seeds/m2